Number Of Fat People Beat It Figures Poor Nutrition

New Delhi, food problems facing the world's population is not just hunger, but also obesity. Even according to the virgins the International Red Cross, the number of obese or fat people are now more than the number of undernourished people.

This is suprising Number Fat People Beat It Figures Poor Nutrition

These findings disampakan in a report released by the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) in New Delhi, India recently. The report titled World Disasters Report emphasizes the gap between the poor by the rich.

IFRC noted, last year the number of obese patients worldwide are included in the category of obesity has reached 1.5 billion. This figure is greater than the number of undernourished people in the same period, ie 925 million.

"If 15 percent of people in this world starving while 20 percent were overweight, there must be something wrong here," said the secretary general of the IFRC, Bekele Geleta as quoted by News24 on Friday (09/23/2011).

Obesity generally show that food intake too much, but it is not balanced with enough physical activity. If hunger reflects the low economic status, obesity is often associated with higher economic status.

Reflecting from the IFRC report, believed the current problems lies not in the scarcity of food. Production is considered to be sufficient, but its distribution is uneven and sometimes the price is too expensive so it can not reach all walks of life.

In the year 2011, the IFRC noted global food prices is to increase worldwide. It is feared could trigger a crisis and instability in many countries potitik which certainly will be more devastating to its citizens.

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